

Amanda Trumpower

Amanda Trumpower writes for Jesus lovers who dig dragons, detectives, and droids. Writing ever since she could hold a crayon, she’s happy to have upgraded to a keyboard. She’s a twin mom, second-generation homeschooler, D&D enthusiast, and board game fanatic.

She has a masters degree in Library & Information Science. She describes this as the least impressive masters degree in the world because no one is aware professional librarians are required to get one.

As a follower of Christ, her worldview is based on the Bible. All books conform to a Christian worldview, though certainly not all the characters. While the journey may be difficult, main characters come to a place of hope brought by the peace of knowing God.

Learn more about Amanda and her books at

Becca Wierwille

Becca Wierwille is the award-winning author of the Road Trip Rescue series and other stories that show kids they are wonderfully created for the unique adventures in their lives. Her short stories for children and devotions have been featured in numerous magazines and other publications.

Mom by day and novelist by relatively early in the morning, she wishes she could eat peach pie as often as most writers drink coffee. Despite her dreams of sandy beaches and mountain peaks, she loves living in Pennsylvania with her family.

Learn more about Becca and her books at